Tag Archives: South Philadelphia

Student Reflections about the Dia de Muertos Parade in South Philadelphia

Context and Prompt

The Mexican American Communities course took a fieldtrip to South Philadelphia on October 30 to attend the Dia de Muertos parade in the neighborhood. For this blog, each student selected photographs from the fieldtrip and shared reflections on the ways that the image(s) connected to the themes of the course and their learning.  Their responses were guided by the following questions:

  • How does this photograph speak to you?
  • How does it connect to the readings, films or discussions you have had in class?
  • What does it mean to you personally?

Please scroll down to read the students’ reflections. To view all images from the fieldtrip, please click here.

Student Video: Exploring Cultural Fusion in South Philadelphia

As part of their final class project, a group of students in the class went to South Philadelphia to explore what cultural fusion is occurring between different migrant communities. They created a video (below) of their trip to the neighborhood that features an interview with Chef Christina Martinez, owner of the popular South Philly Barbacoa.

By: Jennifer Nguyen, Romelia Guerrero, Amanda Ramos, Becky Yu, and Sylvia Young